Sunday, November 21, 2010

Dirty Work is Good Clean Fun

First of all, a big thank you to John Bragg Photography for capturing the wonderful sense of community and fellowship from the Concord Business Association (CBA) Fall Tree Planting which took place Saturday, November 20, 2010.

This tree planting would not have been possible without the generous, hardworking people at Indianapolis Downtown Inc., Indianapolis Power & Light, Kiwanis Club of Indianapolis, Rotary Club of Indianapolis, and the kids from the Concord Neighborhood Center. You will find the fruits of labor on South Meridian Street mainly between the I-70 overpass and Wisconsin Street.

As Vice President of the CBA, I am so proud that the A.G. Maas Company is located in this great downtown neighborhood. It was fun meeting new people, getting a little dirty, and making a small difference in this big world.

To view all the photos from the tree planting, please visit

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