Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Live Long and Prosper

My dad was a big Trekkie when I was growing up, so I often heard the words, "Live long and prosper" followed by the unusual hand formation of the Vulcan salute.

Today, Governor Mitch Daniels was the speaker at my regular Rotary Club of Indianapolis meeting, and I had the great pleasure of meeting him. When I told him that I own a small, WBE-certified business, he inquired as to what kind of business it is and immediately wished me prosperity.

With Thanksgiving Day upon us, I find it especially timely to think about the word prosperity as defined by Merriam-Webster's dictionary: the condition of being successful or thriving.

Before we rush, rush, rush into December, I am reminded to exhale and be thankful for the support of my family and friends, the loyalty of our customers, and the good people of the Indianapolis community of which I am a fortunate part. For without you, prosperity is not possible; therefore, in the spirit of Thanksgiving and on behalf of all Trekkie's in the world, "Live long and prosper" to you too.

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