Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Lions and tigers and MICE, oh my! Our Keys to Rodent Control

I’m sure we can agree that the presence of rats and mice are an annoying problem that can be difficult to remove. Whether they are found in a restaurant, your production warehouse, your office, or home, rodents are a health and safety risk you cannot afford to overlook. I will briefly explain the four elements of a successful rodent control program as recommended by our pest control partner, J.T. Eaton & Co.

Step One: Inspection
This step includes determining the cause of the problem. That means checking out “hot spots” where they could be located. These “hot spots” include; kitchens, pantries, trash, overgrown weeds, and doors entering in and out of the building or house. Another thing to check for is rat and/or mouse droppings. When it’s fresh it will be soft and glistening with a moist appearance. Older droppings become dull with grayish, dusty appearance and may crumble easily.

Step Two and Three: Proper Sanitation and Exclusion
All animals have three requirements: food, water, and cover. Ultimately, by removing one of these the pest will be forced to leave. This could include doing a number of different things to make sure that this burden may be eliminated. Anything from trimming bushes or trees around your building or house to get rid of their cover to removing debris, such as piles of waste, lumber, trash, or used feed snacks to eliminate food and/or water.

Step Four: Population Control
Now it’s time to catch your annoying pest! There are many options available depending on the problem area. Please call the A.G. Maas Company in Indianapolis today at 317-632-8315, and we will help you determine the best control technique for your problem.

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