Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Lions and tigers and MICE, oh my! Our Keys to Rodent Control

I’m sure we can agree that the presence of rats and mice are an annoying problem that can be difficult to remove. Whether they are found in a restaurant, your production warehouse, your office, or home, rodents are a health and safety risk you cannot afford to overlook. I will briefly explain the four elements of a successful rodent control program as recommended by our pest control partner, J.T. Eaton & Co.

Step One: Inspection
This step includes determining the cause of the problem. That means checking out “hot spots” where they could be located. These “hot spots” include; kitchens, pantries, trash, overgrown weeds, and doors entering in and out of the building or house. Another thing to check for is rat and/or mouse droppings. When it’s fresh it will be soft and glistening with a moist appearance. Older droppings become dull with grayish, dusty appearance and may crumble easily.

Step Two and Three: Proper Sanitation and Exclusion
All animals have three requirements: food, water, and cover. Ultimately, by removing one of these the pest will be forced to leave. This could include doing a number of different things to make sure that this burden may be eliminated. Anything from trimming bushes or trees around your building or house to get rid of their cover to removing debris, such as piles of waste, lumber, trash, or used feed snacks to eliminate food and/or water.

Step Four: Population Control
Now it’s time to catch your annoying pest! There are many options available depending on the problem area. Please call the A.G. Maas Company in Indianapolis today at 317-632-8315, and we will help you determine the best control technique for your problem.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Buy Local Reminder

"Life is a gift, and it offers us the privilege, opportunity, and responsibility to give something back..." Anthony Robbins

Today's Rotary Club of Indianapolis' weekly meeting was closed by our president, Julian Peebles, with the above quote. I find it especially touching and relevant considering our club presented more than 40 local non-profit organizations with nearly $200,000 total in grant awards. As a board member of this club, it was a great reminder of how our contributions are benefiting so many worthy causes and outstanding individuals right here in our own community.

Additionally, today's program was one of the most moving presentations I've seen in our club in a long while, and there are many great presentations. For those who may not be familiar with the amazing story of Qudrat Wardak and Rotary's Gift of Life program, I invite you to read the story from the Indianapolis Star about his journey. The image of Qudrat and his father in this posting has been provided by Matt Detrich of The Star.

What's truly heartwarming, and what I learned from Jim Graham's presentation today, is that despite Qudrat's short and courageous life, his legacy lives on in Afghanistan, his native country, through the construction and operation of a school for women and children. Many of the funds that were raised to provide continued aid to Qudrat and his family upon his return to Afghanistan were used to make this possible in a community that was in desperate need of this facility and education.

Because the A.G. Maas Company supports organizations like the Rotary Club of Indianapolis, we are able to not only reach organizations in need in our own backyard, but also around the world. It is days like today when I am reminded that we all have a greater purpose!

We are in the heart of Colts country!

In case you weren't aware, we are just two and a half blocks from Lucas Oil Stadium where the Indianapolis Colts play their home games. I have been a huge Colts fan since my parents started taking me to games in the Hoosier Dome in the 1980's.

Through my participation in the Rotary Club of Indianapolis, I had the opportunity to have my picture taken with the Lombardi Trophy following our 2006 Super Bowl victory.

The A.G. Maas Company has also been very fortunate to be a supplier to the Lucas Oil Stadium during its construction and continue to supply them now during their everyday operation.

As the Colts approach their second playoff game next weekend at Lucas Oil Stadium, we are here as fans, neighbors, and suppliers to cheer them on! Go Colts!!

A special side note: Following Saturday's game, I saw Rob Lowe at the Conrad Indianapolis. I'm regretting not snapping a picture with him, but thanks to the Indianapolis Star from whom I'm borrowing this picture to prove that he was in town. It was the coolest star sighting I've ever had by far-even cooler because he and his son were donning Colts gear!

It's a Boy! Welcome Lane Allen!

Many of you have been asking if Lorinea has had her baby yet, and I'm pleased to announce that she and her husband Craig are now the proud parents of a baby boy, Lane Allen.

He was born on December 28 and weighs 8 lbs. 11 oz. and is 21.5 inches long. A big boy, I know! Mom and baby are both healthy and doing well.

He's smart too! A Colt's fan already!