Friday, September 4, 2009

Tired of Wasting Chemicals and Dealing with Broken Dispensers?

A few questions for you about your dispensing system first:
1) Does it leak? Is your closet a mess because of it?
2) Does it fill inconsistently and have your employees tampered with the controls?
3) Are you having a hard time finding the special products that only work in that dispenser?
4) Has the price on that special product gone way up?
5) Do you feel limited by the number of products that are available with your system?
6) Has it been difficult to train new staff on the system?

If you said yes to any of the above questions, allow me to introduce you to a completely dispenser-free portion control system from Stearns Packaging.

The A.G. Maas Company, your Indianapolis distributor, offers the full line of these products, including more than 60 professional-grade cleaning liquids and powders all packaged in premeasured packs. They even have a completely Green Seal certified cleaning system. Now there really is a solution for everything!

These premeasured packs are designed specifically for your spray bottles, buckets, and solution tanks, so there is no complicated measuring, no special equipment to install, and no special training.

Join our other dispenser-free customers and call us at (317)632-8315 today for a quote!

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